Line name: Xla.Tg(pax6:Gal4-GFP)Amaya
Synonyms: PAX6 GAL4
EXRC line: #4
Non-standard MTA required: No
Transgene description: 3.6kb paired box 6 promoter driving a Gal4-GFP fusion sequence. Pax 6 promoter and 5’UTR GenBank accession number AY048575. REMI
Phenotype: Green fluorescence in the developing eye and nervous system. When crossed with UAS lines, will activate the reporter/effector gene in cells that normally express pax6.
Source lab: Amaya lab
Species: X. laevis
Background strain:
Colour morph: Pigmented
Available as frozen sperm only
Line information can also be found in Xenbase.