Line name: Xla.Tg(TRE:eGFP,cryga:dsRed)Buchz
Synonyms: pDRTREG-HS4
EXRC line: #52
Non-standard MTA required: No
Transgene description: TRE (tetracycline/doxycycline response element) promoter driving eGFP; crystallin gamma A promoter driving dsRed. I Sce-I
Phenotype: Used with transgenic inducer frogs to inducibly label tissues with GFP. Double transgenic tadpoles express GFP under the control of the TRE (tetracycline/doxycycline response element) promoter in the presence of rtTA and Dox. Constitutive DsRed expression in the eye.
Source lab: Buchholz lab
Species: X. laevis
Background strain:
Colour morph: Pigmented
Available as frozen sperm only