Line name: Xla.Tg(Mmu.prrx1:GFP)Amaya
Synonyms: Prx1-GFP
EXRC line: #81
Non-standard MTA required: Yes
Transgene description: Mouse Prx-1 driving GFP. REMI
Phenotype: GFP expression in the neural tube, cement gland and limbs.
Source lab: Amaya lab
Publication: Dev Biol 304 (2007) 675–686
J Invest Dermatol. 2011 Dec;131(12):2477-85
Species: X. laevis
Background strain:
Paternal: F0 founder (?)
Maternal: WT albino
Colour morph: pigmented (albino animals from incross of this line available)
Line information can also be found in Xenbase.