Line name: Xla.Tg(tubb2b:Katushka;Gga.cryaa:eCFP)2EXRC Synonyms: NBT-Katushka, NBT-Katushka αCE2x6-CFP RRID: EXRC_0005 EXRC line: #5 Transgene description: 3481bp N-β-tubulin (NBT) promoter and 5’UTR driving expression of Katushka (TurboFP-C); chicken crystallin alpha A enhancer 2 View Record
Xla transgenics
#41 FLK-1-GFP [Xla.Tg(kdr:GFP)Mead]
Line name: Xla.Tg(kdr:GFP)Mead Synonyms: FLK-1-GFP (homozygous) RRID: EXRC_0041 EXRC line: #41 Non-standard MTA required? NO Transgene description: 2.5 kb X. laevis flk-1 promoter sequence driving eGFP with the first intron downstream as enhancer ( ~3.5kb). Made with Sleeping Beauty View Record
#87 GATA1-GFP [Xla.Tg(gata1:GFP)Mead]
Line name: Xla.Tg(gata1:GFP)<sup>Mead</sup> Synonyms: GATA1-GFP RRID: EXRC_0087 EXRC line: #87 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: gata1 promoter and first intron enhancer driving GFP, Sleeping beauty. Phenotype: GFP in gata1 expressing cells (red blood View Record
#86 Pax8-GFP [Xla.Tg(pax8:GFP)Ogino]
Line name: Xla.Tg(pax8:GFP)Ogino Synonyms: Pax8-GFP RRID: EXRC_0086 EXRC line: #86 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: A GFP-flpe-kan cassette was introduced in-frame into a X. tropicalis fosmid clone, AOPZ250282 (EXRC), using homologous recombination technique. After View Record
#19 Nkx2-5:GFP [Xla.Tg(nkx2-5b:GFP)Mohun]
Line name: Xla.Tg(nkx2-5b:GFP)Mohun Synonyms: Nkx2-5:GFP RRID: EXRC_0019 EXRC line: #19 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description:8 kb of promoter of the X. laevis nkx2-5 gene driving expression of GFP (variant mt5). Mohun Lab Plasmid #2147. Contact Tim Mohun for the View Record
#21 MLC1v:EGFP [Xla.Tg(mlc3:eGFP)Mohun]
Line name: Xla.Tg(mlc3:eGFP)Mohun Synonyms: MLC1v:EGFP RRID: EXRC_21 EXRC line: #21 Non-standard MTA required? No Transgene description: 8Kb of X. laevis mlc3 ( synonym = MLC1v ) gene driving expression of enhanced GFP (eGFP). Promoter sequence is NCBI AY289208. Plasmid linearised View Record
#101 SCL:GFP [Xla.Tg(Mmu.tal1:GFP)Patnt]
Line name: Xla.Tg(Mmu.tal1:GFP)Patnt Synonyms: SCL:GFP RRID: EXRC_0101 EXRC line: #0101 Non-standard MTA required? No Transgene description: Mouse SCL +19 enhancer which contains a GATA-ETS-GATA core motif driving GFP Phenotype: GFP expression in haematopoietic precursors Source View Record
#39 UbiC-GFP [Xla.Tg(Hsa.UBC:GFP)Amaya]
Line name: Xla.Tg(Hsa.UBC:GFP)Amaya Synonyms: UbiC-GFP RRID: EXRC_0039 EXRC line: #39 Non-standard MTA required? No Transgene description: 1.5 kb of human ubiqutin C promoter driving venus GFP (Amaya lab) (SI124) Phenotype: Ubiquitous expression of GFP Source lab: Amaya View Record
#40 FLK-1:GFP [Xla.Tg(kdr:GFP)Mead]
Line name: Xla.Tg(kdr:GFP)Mead Synonyms: FLK-1-GFP RRID: EXRC_0040 EXRC line: #40 Non-standard MTA required? No Transgene description: 2.5 kb X. laevis flk-1 promoter sequence driving eGFP with the first intron downstream as enhancer ( ~3.5kb). Made with Sleeping Beauty transposon View Record
#45 NBT-tauGFP [Xla.Tg(tubb2b:maptGFP)Amaya]
Line name: Xla.Tg(tubb2b:maptGFP)Amaya Synonyms: NBT-tauGFP, NBT-maptGFP, tubb2b-tauGFP, neural tubulin-tauGFP RRID: EXRC_0045 EXRC line: #45 Non-standard MTA required? No Transgene description: 3481bp Neural-β-tubulin (NBT) promoter and 5’UTR driving expression of tauGFP in the View Record
#42 Cardiac actin (full gene)-GFP [Xla.Tg(actc1:GFP)Amaya]
Line name: Xla.Tg(actc1:GFP)Amaya Synonyms: cardiac actin (full gene): GFP, 511 and 275 RRID: EXRC_0042 EXRC line: #42 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: The whole cardiac actin gene (~9 kb), with GFP genetrap vector (511)/ (275D) in the intron, plasmid number, View Record
#43 Xic-GFP [Xla.Tg(Xtr.cdknx:GFP)Papal]
Line name: Xla.Tg(Xtr.cdknx:GFP)Papal Synonyms: Xic-GFP RRID: EXRC_0043 EXRC line: #43 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: 4.7 kb X. tropicalis p27 Xic1 promoter driving GFP Phenotype: GFP expression in neural tube and eye Source lab: Papalopulu View Record
#2 Crystallin-GFP [Xla.Tg(cryga:eGFP)Amaya]
Line name: Xla.Tg(cryga:eGFP)Amaya Synonyms: γ Crystallin-GFP RRID: EXRC_0002 EXRC line: #2 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: The crystallin-GFP construct was generated by subcloning a 2.2 kb fragment of the crystallin genomic DNA encompassing the promoter region View Record
#20 MLC2:GFP [Xla.Tg(myl2:GFP)Mohun]
Line name: Xla.Tg(myl2:GFP)Mohun Synonyms: MLC2:GFP RRID: EXRC_0020 EXRC line: #20 MLC2 Promoter Sequence MLC2 Promoter-AY219706 Sequence Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: 3 kb of promoter of the X. laevis MLC2 (myosin light chain) gene driving expression of View Record
#22 Cardiac actin:GFP [Xla.Tg(actc1b:GFP)Mohun]
Line name: Xla.Tg(actc1b:GFP)Mohun Synonyms: Cardiac actin:GFP RRID: EXRC_0022 EXRC line:#22 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: 580 bp of promoter of the X. laevis Cardiac actin gene driving expression of GFP (variant mt5). Phenotype: GFP expression in embryonic View Record
#23 Smad3:EGFP [Xla.Tg(smad3:eGFP)Mohun]
Line name: Xla.Tg(smad3:eGFP)Mohun Synonyms: Smad3:EGFP RRID: EXRC_0023 EXRC line: #23 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: 1.5 kb of promoter of the X. laevis Smad3 gene driving expression of eGFP Phenotype: GFP expression in dorsal mesoderm and heart View Record
#24 LURP1:EGFP [Xla.Tg(slurp1l:eGFP)Mohun]
Line name: Xla.Tg(slurp1l:eGFP)Mohun Synonyms: LURP1:EGFP RRID: EXRC_0024 EXRC line: Line #24 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: 5 kb of promoter of the X. laevis LURP-1 gene driving expression of EGFP. Phenotype: GFP expression in embryonic macrophages (as well View Record
#83 flk1-eGFP [Xla.Tg(kdr:eGFP)Pec]
Line name: Xla.Tg(kdr:eGFP)Pec Synonyms: flk1-eGFP, VEGFR2-eGFP RRID: EXRC_0083 EXRC line: #83 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: A genomic fragment containing 2.5 kb of kdr promoter sequence up to exon 2, including the complete intron 1 containing enhancer elements View Record
#213 LMO2- Katushka [Xla.Tg(Xtr.lmo2:Katushka;cryga:Venus)EXRC]
Line name: Xla.Tg(Xtr.lmo2:Katushka;cryga:Venus)EXRC Synonyms: LMO2- Katushka RRID: EXRC_0213 EXRC line: #213 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: 4775bp X. tropicalis LMO2 promoter driving expression of Katushka (TurboFP-C); marker for integration selection: γ-cry View Record
#61 mpeg-EGFP
Line name: Xla.Tg(Dre.mpeg1:eGFP;cryga:mCherry)Amaya Synonyms: mpeg-EGFP, cry-mCherry RRID: EXRC_0061 EXRC line: #61 Non-stardard MTA required: No Transgene description: Zebrafish mpeg-EGFP from Felix Ellet Phenotype: GFP expression in macrophages, mCherry expression in the View Record