Line name: Xla.Tg(hsp70:nog;cryga:GFP)Jmws Synonyms: HGEM Noggin, Heat shock Green Eyed Monster RRID: EXRC_0018 EXRC line: #18 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: noggin under control of HSP70 promoter. Crystallin gamma A driving GFP. REMI Phenotype: Heat shock View Record
Xla transgenics
#65 pbin7Lef:dGFP [Xla.Tg(WntREs:deGFP)Vlemx]
Line name: Xla.Tg(WntREs:dEGFP)Vlemx Synonyms: pbin7Lef:dGFP (F1) RRID: EXRC_0065 EXRC line:#65 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: A synthetic Wnt-responsive promoter – consisting of 7 copies of a TCF/LEF1 binding DNA element and a minimal TATA box driving View Record
#66 pbin7Lef:dGFP [Xla.Tg(WntREs:deGFP)1Vlemx]
Line name: Xla.Tg(WntREs:deGFP)1Vlemx Synonyms: pbin7Lef:dGFP (pseudo-albino) (F2) RRID: EXRC_0066 EXRC line: #66 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: A synthetic Wnt-responsive promoter – consisting of 7 copies of a TCF/LEF1 binding DNA element and a minimal TATA box View Record
#71 NIBB6(scat3) [Xla.Tg(CAG:SCAT3)Ueno]
Line name: Xla.Tg(CAG:SCAT3)Ueno Synonyms: NIBB6(scat3) RRID: EXRC_0071 EXRC line: #71 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: CAG promoter driving expression of SCAT3 Phenotype: CAG promoter driving expression of SCAT3, the Caspase 3 activation (apoptosis) sensor and View Record
#79 Xla.Tg(hsp70:Dkk1-GFP;cryga:tdTomato)Tamura
Line name: Xla.Tg(hsp70:Dkk1-GFP;cryga:tdTomato)<sup>Tamura</sup> Synonyms: hsp70:Dkk1GFP, gCry:tdTomato, g F1 RRID: EXRC_0079 EXRC line: #79 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: 330 bp of promoter of the X. laevis hsp70 gene driving expression Dkk1-GFP and View Record
#85 Xla.Tg(hsp70:DNyap-GFP;cryga:tdTomato)Tamura
(EXRC Line #85) dnYap-2A-GFP can be induced by a heat-shock; tdTomato (red) fluorescence in the lens. 330 b of promoter of the X. laevis hsp70 gene driving expression dominant negative form of Yap (dnYap) tagged with GFP via 2A peptides and 2.2 kb gamma crystalline promoter driving View Record
#84 Xla.Tg(hsp70:DNtead4-GFP;cryga:tdTomato)Tamur
Line name: Xla.Tg(hsp70:DNtead4-GFP;cryga:tdTomato)Tamur Synonyms: hsp70:dnTead4-2A-GFP, gCry:tdTomato RRID: EXRC_0084 EXRC line: #84 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: 330 b of promoter of the X. laevis hsp70 gene driving expression dominant negative form of TEA View Record
#58 Doc7 [Xla.Tg(CFP-ATTP)Ryff]
Line name:Xla.Tg(CFP-ATTP)Ryff< Synonyms: Doc7 RRID: EXRC_0058 EXRC line: #58 Non-standard MTA required: Yes Transgene description: This strains contains an attP docking site for phiC31 mediated integration within CFP open reading frame. Allows phiC31 mediated site directed View Record
#4 PAX6 GAL4 [Xla.Tg(pax6:Gal4-GFP)Amaya]
Line name: Xla.Tg(pax6:Gal4-GFP)Amaya Synonyms: PAX6 GAL4 RRID: EXRC_0004 EXRC line: #4 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: 3.6kb paired box 6 promoter driving a Gal4-GFP fusion sequence. Pax 6 promoter and 5'UTR GenBank accession number AY048575. REMI Phenotype: View Record
#9 GUAS GFP [Xla.Tg(UAS:GFP)Amaya]
Line name: Xla.Tg(UAS:GFP)Amaya Synonyms: GUAS:GFP RRID: EXRC_0009 EXRC line: #9 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: Five tandem repeats of the Gal4-binding motif (UAS) along with the hsp70 minimal promoter, from pUAST, linked to green fluorescent View Record
#10 gUAS BMP4 [Xla.Tg(UAS:BMP4)Amaya]
Line name: Xla.Tg(UAS:BMP4)Amaya Synonyms: gUAS BMP4 RRID: EXRC_0010 EXRC line: #10 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: Five tandem repeats of the Gal4-binding motif (UAS), along with the hsp70 minimal promoter from pUAST, linked to BMP4. REMI Phenotype: In the View Record
#31 LCMV:ECFP(loxP)(FRT)EYFP (C5) [Xla.Tg(CMV:eCFP,eYFP)Ryff2]
Line name: Xla.Tg(CMV:eCFP,eYFP)Ryff2 Synonyms:LCMV:ECFP(loxP)(FRT)EYFP, C5 RRID:EXRC_0031 EXRC line:#31 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: Cre/FLP reporter LCMV:ECFP(loxP)(FRT)EYFP. Accession ID: 31304. REMI Phenotype: The View Record
LCMV:ECFP(loxP)EYFP (Y2) [Xla.Tg(CMV:eCFP,eYFP)Ryff1]
Line name: Xla.Tg(CMV:eCFP,eYFP)<sup>Ryff1</sup> Synonyms: LCMV:ECFP(loxP)EYFP, Y2 RRID: EXRC_0032 EXRC line: #32 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: Contains the Cre reporter CMV:eCFP(loxP)eYFP Accession ID: 31306. View Record
#34 CAR-Cre (A7) [Xla.Tg(actc1:Cre)Ryff]
Line name: Xla.Tg(actc1:Cre)Ryff Synonyms: CAR-Cre, A7 RRID: EXRC_0034 EXRC line: #34 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: Cre recombinase driven by the cardiac actin promoter. Accession ID: 31309. REMI Phenotype: CAR-Cre View Record
HSPCre1 (HSPCre) (Xla.Tg(hsp70:Cre)Ryff)
Line name: Xla.Tg(hsp70:Cre)Ryff Synonyms: HSPCre1 (HSPCre) (Xla.Tg(hsp70:Cre)Ryff) RRID: EXRC_0035 EXRC line: #35 Transgene description: Cre recombinase driven by the heat-shock promoter HSP70 Phenotype: F1 animals of this strain crossed to the C5 reporter strain reveal ubiquitous View Record
#68 HSPCre1/C5 (Xla.Tg(hsp70:eYFP)Ryff)
Line name: Xla.Tg(hsp70:eYFP)Ryff Synonyms: HSPCre1/C5 (Xla.Tg(hsp70:eYFP)Ryff) RRID: EXRC_0068 EXRC line: #68 Transgene description: Phenotype: These frogs are from a crossing between HSPCre1 and C5. They were heat-shocked in embryogenesis and the yellow larvae (activated EYFP) were View Record
HSPCre-CMV:tdTomato (HSPCre13) (Xla.Tg(hsp70-CMV:tdTomato,eYFP)Ryff)
(EXRC Line #36) Cre recombinase under the heat-shock promoter HSP70. As this strain contains a linked CMV driven gene encoding the red fluorescent protein tdTomato, offspring with Cre recombinase can be easily identified. F1 animals of this strain crossed to the C5 reporter strain reveal View Record
#59 GpL8 (Xla.Tg(CMV:GFP,LacZ)Ryff)
Line name: Xla.Tg(CMV:GFP,LacZ)Ryff Synonyms: GpL8 (Xla.Tg(CMV:GFP,LacZ)Ryff) RRID: EXRC_0059 EXRC line: #59 Transgene description: Cre reporter line- lacZ Phenotype: Contains the Cre reporter CMV:GFP(loxP)LacZ. The larvae show green fluorescence that upon Cre recombinase action turns View Record
#56 328del-3 (Xla.Tg(CMV:eCFP,HNF1BP328l329del)Ryff)
Line name: Xla.Tg(CMV:eCFP,HNF1BP328l329del)Ryff Synonyms: #56 328del-3 (Xla.Tg(CMV:eCFP,HNF1BP328l329del)Ryff) RRID: EXRC_0056 EXRC line: #56 Transgene description: Cre dependent human mutated HNF1B P328L329. Phenotype: Contains the Cre/FLP effector View Record
#57 A263ins-6 [Xla.Tg(CMV:eCFP,HNF1BA263insGG)Ryff]
Line name: Xla.Tg(CMV:eCFP,HNF1BA263insGG)Ryff Synonyms: A263ins-6 RRID: EXRC_0057 EXRC line: #57 Non-standard MTA required: No Transgene description: CMV promoter driving Cre/FLP flanking eCFP, and HNF1B A263insGG . Plasmid for transgenesis on addgene. Phenotype: Ubiquitous blue View Record